Our Main vServer is currently offline.
All Services switched automatictly to our backup Server.
But our BackUp Server is not so fast as our main vServer.
So maybe the Bot has an high ping and the Website loads slowly.
We trying to fix it.
13:29, Mar 06 CEST
The vServer is running and all Services rebooting on the main vserver.
We will se what will happends.
We detected that the Ping (response time) from the Bot is higher then normal.
Some function like the MusicBot maybe has problems.
We are trying to fix it.
19:34, Mar 01 CEST
We played an Update on the vserver.
We are see what happends.
20:29, Mar 01 CEST
The bot was overused by some users.
Now it should works.
Our VServer currently doesn't respond to anything. We are currently looking to find the source of this problem.
17:57, Feb 26 CEST
The vServer is now online again. But we get an weird JDA error. We trying to fix it as soon as possible
13:18, Feb 27 CEST
We buyed an new vServer to bridge the Problem with our main vserver.
We hope that the main will work correctly as soon as posbile.
Thanks for your patience.
Affected Service:
Bot ServerKeksBotJanuary 18, Sat
After an update, the bot no longer starts and only shows: "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space", which actually means that our vServers are currently too busy. We'll wait and see because this is often due to Discord.
Affected Service:
Bot ServerScreenDecember 08, Sun
Will be fixed
As we look forward to our giveaway update on the vServer, we could not wait. Unfortunately, the bot shows again the dreaded error message. So far we could not find a solution, this may take time, if we even manage to defeat this Endbos ...
13:09, Dec 08 CEST
Wow we defeat the Enbos and that very quickly uwu
Now should everything work.
After an Update, the Bot not wanted to start up again.
Maybe he want holidays...
We try to persuade him.
15:08, Aug 11 CEST
Currently the bot is running on a local PC. Unfortunately, this can only be limited online and does not store data like the XP of a user.
We are currently in contact with the JDA developers and are working on a solution
Affected Service:
Bot ServerKeksBotScreenAugust 11, Sun
The bug is recognized and we working to fix it.
21:46, Jul 17 CEST
It is due to the use of "lavaplayer" API, which makes it possible to play music.
Unfortunately, we can only wait for the creator of the API to fix this bug.